Queen Edith is a large thriving primary school and nursery situated in the south of Cambridge city. We have a diverse catchment area and have many families from abroad (speaking 45 languages at the last count!). Queen Edith is partnered in a federation with Queen Emma, which is a 5 minute walk away. It is led by one headteacher, senior leadership team and governing body with representation from both schools.
For prospective parents who are considering our school,please get in touch with the school office for a visit.
Email: office@queenedith.cambs.sch.uk
Telephone: 01223712-200
Wednesday, 16th of October 2024, 9:15 am
Friday, 22nd of November 2024,9:15 am
Thursday 9th of January 2025,9:15 am
Please don't hesitate to contact the office if you would like to attend any of the open mornings.
Email: office@queenedith.cambs.sch.uk
Telephone: 01223-712200
As an inclusive, welcoming and caring school, where every child matters, we recognise that all of our pupils have strengths and skills to celebrate. Part of our role is to help each pupil discover and develop these. Our school values, based on the ‘7 Habits of Effective People’ by Stephen Covey enable us to create a strong community spirit, where we can all grow in a supportive learning environment. Through the use of all of these values, we can all be the best that we can be.
Today the children tackled Jacob's ladder, climbing up the terrifying tower to the top! They finished off their afternoon with archery and persevered throughout the blindfolded Grafham challenge! https://t.co/VUebTMW8vv
We've been sailing on the lake this afternoon, it's been brilliant! The weather back at the site is looking fantastic for the evening too! ⛵️ https://t.co/5LWMxYSr4F
Queen Edith Year 6s arrived at Grafham Water and enjoyed a tour round the site this morning! https://t.co/e5Cs7Chqt2
Take a look at this super article about Science Week at Queen Edith Primary School in the @CambridgeIndy today! https://t.co/bloa9qENnW
We’re taking part in @Sustrans #BigWalkandWheel. In partnership with @SchwalbeUK it's the Uk’s biggest #walking #wheeling #scooting and #cycling to school challenge. Encourage your children to take part on as many days a possible between 11- 22 March 2024. https://t.co/412aYvNXe8
Our Chair of Governors, Dr Sean Lang, has written a play which is being performed at the ADC theatre in April. It is a ghost story and details and booking arrangements are here: https://t.co/HvtFjVmgUY
The children researched someone who fought in the war or remembered someone they know from being involved in war. They then wrote a message to share with each other and reflect on their own experiences, thoughts and feelings. https://t.co/48SWe6j1ps
Final Report following our Ofsted Inspection has been sent out to all parents today and will shortly be available on the website https://t.co/YvUN6KxAeV
Parent governor election We have a vacancy for a parent governor; see details sent via parentmail. If you are interested contact the clerk (zvassiliou@queensfederation.cambs.sch.uk)
Year 3 had a wonderful trip yesterday to Hall Farm, Bury St Edmunds as part of our ‘Growing in East Anglia’ topic. We got to see how potatoes, onions and wheat are grown and harvested and we are very grateful to the Farmers for their time and generosity, for the “BEST trip EVER!” https://t.co/TiNWmBFmqG
This morning we’ve started our first activity. Some are off sailing and some are building rafts! Not too warm yet and a bit of a breeze. https://t.co/9HHSXCYQTw
Another warm day here at Grafham. Some of Year 6 went out sailing this morning, while others are had a go at indoor archery. https://t.co/OpZjyxlADY
Year 6 have arrived safely at Grafham. A lovely day and some wind which will be useful for our first activities! We're starting with a safety briefing before moving our belongings to our rooms. https://t.co/p2ecJieCnw
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