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Nursery Information

Please download our Information Booklet to find out more about the routines and expectations in Nursery. You may also wish to take a look at the Nursery Curriculum Map, which shows you the topics we will be covering in different subjects over the course of the year. Please talk to us if you would like more information.

Nursery booklet October 2024

Optional Homework

Please see the home learning below for Nursery children who are at home.

Topic Overview

We are keen for parents to support the children’s learning at home as much as possible. To help with this we produce Topic Overviews for each term outlining our main topics.


Nursery Yearly Overview

Nursery yearly plan A 2024-25

To see our Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum please click here.

Nursery Admissions

At our Queen Edith Nursery we are pleased to be able to offer 4 different 15 hour packages:

Morning Sessions – Monday to Friday 8.45 to 11.45 am

Afternoon Sessions – Monday to Friday 12.30 to 3.30 pm

First half of the week Sessions

8.45 am to 3.30 pm – Monday and Tuesday

8.45 to 11.45 am – Wednesday

Lunch supervision will be provided on Monday and Tuesday at a cost of £4.90 per day. Parents can pay for a hot school meal or provide a packed lunch.

Second half of the week Sessions

12.30 to 3.30 pm – Wednesday

8.45 am to 3.30 pm – Thursday and Friday

Lunch supervision will be provided on a Thursday and Friday at a cost of £4.90 per day.  Parents can pay for a hot school meal or provide a packed lunch.

As there are only a limited number of spaces available for each package, places will be offered on a first come, first served basis. To apply for a place, or to find out more about Nursery Admissions please contact the office at Queen Edith (01223) 712200.

Funded 30 hours sessions:

We are a government funded nursery and are now offering 15 and 30 funded hours to qualifying families.

Monday – Friday 8:45am  – 3:30pm
Lunch supervision will be provided at a cost of £4.90 per day.  Parents can pay for a hot school meal or provide a packed lunch.

The nursery’s catchment area includes families living in the Queen Edith area.

At Queen Edith Nursery we follow the Cambridgeshire Admissions Policy for all Nursery aged children wishing to attend our setting. For the complete policy please consult:

We accept applications from children over 3 years of age. Parents are required to provide proof of their child’s date of birth and home address as part of their application.

For applications received for a child seeking admission in the term after their third birthday, where more applications are received than places are available, places will be allocated in accordance with the following over-subscription criteria:

Children who have a statement of special educational needs or Education, Health and Care plan that names the school will be admitted (for fifteen hours only) before the over-subscription criteria are applied. Those children with a statement of special educational needs or Education, Health and Care Plan that does not name the school will be referred to Student Assessment to determine an appropriate place.

  1. Children in Care, also known as Looked After Children (LAC), and children who were looked after but ceased to be so by reason of adoption, a resident order or special guardianship order;
  2. Children with a high level of need who have been referred by a Social Worker, Health professional, Pre-School Specialist Support Teacher, Special Needs Officer or the Traveller Referral Team;
  3. Children with a sibling at Queen Emma School that live in our catchment area
  4. Children in our catchment area (in age order. Oldest first)
  5. Children with a sibling at Queen Emma School that do not live in our catchment area
  6. Children out of catchment area (in age order. Oldest first)

If the child does not get a place they will be put onto a waiting list in the above criteria NOT according to the date of application. When a place becomes available the next eligible family on our waiting list will be contacted to establish whether the vacancy will suit their needs. The closing dates for applications are:

Information and application forms are available from the Nursery, the County Council website and from the LA Admissions Team.

Please see a copy of the Queen Edith Admissions Policy below:

Queen Edith Admissions Policy