Dear Parents, Carers and Visitors,
Queen Edith is a two form entry primary school with nursery provision for children aged 3 upwards. It is a thriving and well established school that is situated in the south of Cambridge city. We have a diverse catchment of families from around the world, with 45 languages spoken in the school at the last count!
Queen Edith is in federation with Queen Emma Primary School just a 5 minute walk away. The Federation is led by one Executive Headteacher, senior leadership team and governing body with representation from both schools.
We want the children who attend Queen Edith to have a purposeful and satisfying experience, a sense of well-being, a positive self-image and to become independent and enthusiastic learners. We want children to mature and develop and leave school having enjoyed a rewarding experience and to provide them with strong foundations upon which to build their subsequent education. We also want children to take responsibility for themselves, for others and for their environment. We endeavour to support them in developing the necessary life skills which will enable them to become responsible citizens. At Queen Edith there is a high emphasis upon the partnership between home and school and we see parents and carers as pivotal in ensuring success for their child/ren in school.
If you are considering a school for your child, I hope I will have the opportunity to meet you in the near future and that if your child is to join us they will have a long and very happy association with the school. We welcome visits to Queen Edith – if this is something you would like to arrange then please contact the school office using the following e-mail contact: office@queenedith.cambs.sch.uk.
Yours sincerely
Sarah Jarman
Executive Headteacher