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Upcoming Events

PSFA Events for 2024-2025

PSFA meetings (to take place on the 2nd Tuesday of each half-term at 8 pm, alternating with online and in person)

1. Tuesday 17th September 2024 (online)

2. Tuesday 12th November 2024 (in person)

3. Tuesday 14th January 2025 - AGM followed by PSFA meeting (online)

4. Tuesday 4th March 2025 (in person)

5. Tuesday 29th April 2025 (online)

6. Tuesday 10th June 2025 (in person)

Preloved uniform sales:

These will take place in the last week of each half term over 3 dry days.  

Exact dates tbc nearer the time & are weather dependent.


Thursday 21st November

Thursday 20th March

Santa’s Grotto:

Thursday 19th Dec (am)

Feb event: (TBC)

Fri 7th Feb

Summer fete:

Sat 17th May (1-4pm)

Solstice Ceilidh:

Friday 20th June 2025 (6.30-8.30pm)

Summer picnic: 

Fri 18th July (after school)

PSFA Events for 2023-2024

Summer picnic (Friday 19th July 2024) 

Bag2School (Thursday 23rd May 2024)

Summer fete (Saturday 18th May 2024) 

Spring Disco (Thursday 21st March 2024) 

Ceilidh  (Friday 2nd February 2024) 

Santa’s grotto (Tuesday 19th December 2023)

Bag2School (Tuesday 7th November 2023)

School disco (Thursday 28th September 2023)


Half termly preloved uniform sales (last week of each half term, over 3 days).

Cake sales Years 5, 2, 4, 1, 3, Reception – one every half term